[…] Disasters come in all shapes and sizes—fires, hurricanes, economic downturns, droughts, virus outbreaks, terrorism. We can’t predict how long the impact will be felt but we can do much to be ready. […] Disasters stretch the limits of community systems. Communities that recover best are […] those that have invested in social fabric, inter-connectedness, physical and emotional infrastructure, and those that have woven bonds between sectors and between citizens.
Jennifer Cole, Metro Nashville
Arts Commission1
Given the uncertainty of disasters, humanities organizations must have precautionary preparedness plans to ensure that their valuable works are accounted for. Some risk strategies to develop include:
The National Endowment for the Humanities has reopened its Climate Smart Humanities Organizations program for the 2024 cycle, offering a total of $2.5 million to ensure that humanities organizations are prepared against the risks of climate change. The final deadline for this opportunity is September 18, 2024, yet applicants can submit an optional draft by August 9, 2024 to ensure their work adheres to the application’s requirements.
Eligible applicants include:
Applicants are capable of receiving up to $300,000 worth of federal funds towards activities such as risk assessments, energy audits, and meetings with consultants. There will also be a focus on either two separate but related priorities:
A one-to-one non-federal cost match will be required. In-kind gifts and funds from the applicant or any subrecipient organizations are ineligible. Projects are also expected to be completed within 24 months.
Humanities organizations interested in improving their facilities and readying themselves to protect their cultural, historical, and educational artifacts should contact USFCR’s Grant Team at (877) 252-2700 and complete the grant assessment below for further assistance.
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1. Cole, Jennifer. “Why Arts Organizations Need to Prepare for Disasters Before They Happen” (blog). National
Endowment for the Arts. April 16, 2016. https://www.arts.gov/stories/blog/2016/why-arts-organizations-need-prepare-disasters-they-happen
2. Braveman, Seth. “How to Keep Art Safe during Natural Disasters” (blog). PedestalSource. April 20, 2018. https://www.pedestalsource.com/blogs/pedestal-source/how-to-keep-art-safe-during-natural-disasters