Common SAM Registration Mistakes

Written by USFCR | Jan 7, 2016 3:08:15 PM

Companies who complete their System for Award Management (SAM) Registration on their own often make mistakes and/or omit necessary information. These mistakes and omissions can delay the processing of an application or even cause the application to be outright rejected. A delayed or rejected application can cause you to miss out on contracts and opportunities, not to mention cost you even more time while you try to identify and correct the mistakes.

We've compiled below a list of the most common mistakes companies make. If you're not receiving your fair share of government contracts, then speak with a Contracting Specialist at (866) 216-5343.

We can review your Registration, help identify mistakes you've made, and even give you a list of the top procurement officers in your field.

Common SAM Registration Mistakes:

  • Not including all applicable required documents listed on the application.
  • Including unsigned documents with your application.
  • Leaving blank spaces on the application.
  • Providing unclear titles for company officers.
  • Submitting incomplete application packages.
  • Applying for incorrect or unnecessary NAICS codes.

To help make sure you don't make these mistakes, we suggest you:

  • Become familiar with eligibility requirements before you apply.
  • Review your application before you submit it.
  • Correct any mistakes or omissions you identify during your application review.
To speak with a Contracting Specialist, Call: (866) 216-5343