Mari Crocitto - Grant Research Associate

Written by USFCR | Dec 13, 2023 6:08:13 PM


Mari joined US Federal Contractor Registration (USFCR) in June 2022, a perfect fit for our culture that values integrity, honesty, and professionalism. Hailing from Florida, she brings a unique blend of skills and personal values that align seamlessly with our mission at USFCR. Mari's dedication to these principles is evident in her approach to every task, ensuring that our clients receive service that is not only proficient but also ethically grounded.

In her role, Mari taps into her extensive skills in research, writing, and editing. These talents, developed through various experiences outside of traditional educational settings, are vital in helping our clients navigate the complexities of federal contracting. Whether she's helping clients source valuable funding opportunities, building grant pipelines, or assisting in high-level edits of grant narratives, Mari's expertise ensures our clients have the tools they need to succeed. Her methodical and thorough approach to research and documentation makes her an invaluable asset to our team and clients.

Beyond her professional contributions, Mari's interests, such as painting, listening to music, and participating in 5Ks, add to the richness of our team's culture. These activities balance her professional diligence and commitment to personal growth and wellness.

Her positive outlook and openness to new opportunities have not only made her a cherished member of the USFCR team but also resonate deeply with the clients she serves, fostering a supportive and effective working environment.

To speak with a Registration and Contracting Specialist, Call (866) 216-5343