Mike Wills Excavating Lands $96.8k Contract with U.S. Army

Written by USFCR | Sep 29, 2015 12:37:57 PM

Mike Wills Excavating & Trucking, Inc. announced on Tuesday, September 29, 2015, that it had received a $96,800 contract from the U.S. Army to create test surfaces for vehicles in Alaska.

This contract finds the Michigan-based excavation and trucking company returning to Alaska, where they performed similar work for the Army in 2013 and 2012.

“We had done the project before,” said Leesa Misterly of Mike Wills Excavating & Trucking, “so we wanted the chance to do it again.”
Of course, wanting to bid on the contract and actually bidding on the contract are two different things. The company realized when it attempted to bid on it and realized that its System for Award Management (SAM) Registration had expired. Before it could submit a bid, it had to renew its Registration.

Given how long renewing its SAM Registration could take, the company turned to Florida-based US Federal Contractor Registration — the largest third-party government contracting firm in the world — and asked it for help.
“We were under the gun, but we powered through and turned their renewal around quickly,” said John Lynch, the case manager who worked with Mike Wills Excavating & Trucking. “We knew there had been discussions about this specific contract, but that to win it, they had to complete their renewal. So we did.”

Two weeks after its SAM Registration was completed, the company learned of its award.

“John was very helpful, and we’re glad it worked out like this,” said Misterly.
“This happens all the time,” said US Federal Contractor Registration President Eric Knellinger. “Companies forget about their SAM Registration until they want to bid on a contract. And then they have to scramble to complete their renewal before the deadline to submit bids passes.”

All too often, case managers at US Federal Contractor Registration hear this, which is why it encourages companies registered with SAM to renew their Registration at least 60 days before the expiration date since renewing early doesn’t affect the end of their registration period. For example, a Registration that ends on December 31, 2015, if renewed on October 31, 2015, would expire on December 31, 2016.

Renewing early, said Knellinger, also helps companies not miss out on potential contracting opportunities.

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