USFCR Academy: The Benefit of Finding Federal Contract Opps Early

Written by USFCR Academy | Nov 4, 2020 7:00:00 PM

Updated for accuracy as of July 2023, this article reflects the most current Federal contracting information. Always consult a professional for your specific needs.

Your Guide to Securing Early-Stage Federal Contracts

Government contracts can often originate from ideas, studies, or legislative requirements years before they evolve into tangible bidding opportunities. Hence, establishing an early connection can provide a profound understanding of contract requirements and an invaluable opportunity to develop relationships with the key players. The companies that regularly secure federal awards typically build rapport with the contracting team well ahead of time.

Thankfully, government transparency regulations make all this information publicly accessible. The only challenge lies in knowing where and what to look for.

Spotting Early-Stage Federal Contracts

Knowing what pieces to look for makes the puzzle of finding early-stage federal contracts less daunting. Let's delve into the government contract's life cycle, from its inception to its award.

Notice Types (Development Phases)

  1. Pre-Industry Days, Sources Sought: Opportunities to connect early and understand the agency's needs.

  2. During - Combined Synopsis/Solicitation, Modification/Amendment: Notices that inform about and solicit bids or make changes to the original solicitation.

  3. Post-Award Notice, Cancellation: Announcements about the contract winner or cancellation of a solicitation.

Documents Involved

  1. Standard Forms: These uniform federal forms provide critical details about the solicitation or contract.

  2. Solicitation Document: Presents specifics of the contract opportunity, like the scope of work and evaluation criteria for offers.

  3. Payment Form: Sets the payment terms between the government and the contractor.

  4. Past Performance Questionnaire: Assesses a bidder's prior work history.

  5. Blueprints: Provides detailed visual instructions for construction or manufacturing contracts.

  6. Specifications/Drawings: Detail design requirements, performance criteria, or technical standards.

  7. Excel Documents: These could be pricing templates or schedules provided by the government for bidders to complete.

Response Dates

  1. Posted Date vs. Original Posted Date: Refers to when the solicitation was first made public.

  2. Q&A Response: Deadline to submit any questions about the solicitation.

  3. Site Visit Date (if applicable): The date for a potential site visit.

  4. Response Date: The deadline to submit your bid or proposal.

  5. Archive Date: When the solicitation will be removed from public view.

  6. Period of Performance (Option Periods): Specifies the contract work duration, including any option periods.

Understanding these key elements and their significance puts you on the road to winning more federal contracts.

To speak with a Registration and Contracting Specialist, Call: (866) 216-5343

Anna Rose