(DLP Services LLC) Gets 8a Contact Award thanks to Johnathan Maness

Written by USFCR | Aug 24, 2015 10:24:57 AM

Verified Vendor De La Paz Cleaning & Rental Service, LLC (DLP Services, LLC/DLP) has officially been given a 9-year contract to work with the Federal Government under the 8a Business Development Program. About the 8a Contact from the Small Business Administration
What is the 8(a) Business Development Program?

  • The 8(a) Business Development Program is a business assistance program for small disadvantaged businesses. The 8(a) Program offers a broad scope of assistance to firms that are owned and controlled by at least 51% of socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
  • The 8(a) Program is essential for helping socially, and economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs access American society's economic mainstream. The program helps thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs to gain a foothold in government contracting.
  • Participation in the program is divided into two phases over nine years: a four-year developmental stage and a five-year transition stage.

Benefits of the Program

  • Participants can receive sole-source contracts up to a ceiling of $4 million for goods and services and $6.5 million for manufacturing. While we help 8(a) firms build their competitive and institutional know-how, we also encourage you to participate in competitive acquisitions.
  • 8(a) firms can also form joint ventures and teams to bid on contracts. This enhances the ability of 8(a) firms to perform larger prime contracts and overcome the effects of contract bundling, the combining of two or more contracts together into one large contract.

8a Firms are given a leg up in Federal Contracting and can be awarded specific funds set aside for only 8a firms.  Getting awarded an 8a is a huge accomplishment for a business and is a great way to ensure nearly a decade of Federal contracts.

Business Description
DLP Services, LLC, in business for seven years, specializes in providing facility maintenance, janitorial, and ground-keeping services across Texas. DLP Services started providing services to commercial businesses and has begun securing government contracts with its recent 8(a) certification.

Being a small business, DLP Services focuses on providing excellent customer service and continuously exceeding our customer’s expectations.
Geographical areas of service are located in Texas, primarily Del Rio, Eagle Pass, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, El Paso, McAllen, Brownsville, and Corpus Christi.

  • Vendor Profile Information
  • DUNS: 040957773
  • CAGE: usfcr10
  • Active in SAM: Registration valid until 3/3/2016
  • Certifications: 8A, Minority Owned
  • NAICS CODE(S): 561720

DLP Services LLC is prepared to grow its business by over 400% during the next nine years.  They are very thankful for the help provided by US Federal Contractor Registration to process the 8a
Purchasing officers and prime vendors can Gabriel De La Paz, President/Owner of De La Paz Cleaning Service, LLC, at 830-765-5152, or by email at
For businesses looking to get 8a Contracts, please call 1-877-252-2700 to determine if they qualify for the 8a program.