In government communication, expressing gratitude to the professionals, you will be
working closely with is important. Express gratitude to contracting officers, agency representatives, and other contracting professionals, as they will be major advocates for vendors in the future.
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Here are some examples of when to express gratitude:
- Thank a vendor or contracting professional you met at an industry event.
- Send a thank you email to a contracting officer after they receive your proposal or quote.
- Congratulate a prime vendor on a recent contract award to build a relationship.
- Thank subcontractors who work under your company.
Turkey-Related NAICS Codes
112330 Egg production, turkey
112330 Turkey egg production
112330 Turkey production
112340 Turkey hatcheries
311119 Turkey feeds, prepared, manufacturing
311615 Turkeys, slaughtering and dressing
311615 Turkeys, processing, fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked
325613 Turkey-red oil manufacturing
424440 Turkey and turkey products (except canned and packaged frozen) merchant wholesalers
Did You Know?
When communicating with contracting officers, contract specialists, or contracting officer representatives with a military title, it is professional courtesy to address them by the military ranking. Generally, addressing contracting professionals' first-name is a way to connect and build rapport. However, if they have served/are serving in the military, addressing them by title is best practice.
- Sgt. (Sargent)
- Gen. (General)
- Lt.(Lieutenant)
- Maj. (Major)
- Capt. (Captain)
- Pvt. (Private)
- Adm.
- (Admiral)
- Cmdr. (Commander)
- Pfc. (Private First Class)
Back to Basics
Before you start to write your proposal, it's important to read the FAR and understand what constitutes an adequate proposal. To help, the FAR includes a checklist detailing what needs to be included, and you must provide supporting data for all costs. Price = Cost + Profit.
Your cost is made up of the cost of labor, supplies, procurement materials, and overhead. That plus your profit, or the margin you stand to make, equals your price.” – Ellen Beebe, The Formula for Cost Proposals on Government Contracts.
To speak with a Contracting Specialist, Call: (866) 216-5343