Discover the Most Sought-After Services for Disaster Relief Contracts

Aug 29, 2023 10:34:53 AM / by USFCR posted in News

Do you want to make a meaningful impact while expanding your business? Have you ever considered working on relief contracts? If your business provides specialized services, working with FEMA or the Army Corps of Engineers could be your golden opportunity to not only generate revenue but also help those in desperate need. Let's explore the details and discover what you need to know.

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Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Programs, Now Being Funded By The Dept. Of Commerce

Aug 24, 2023 12:25:15 PM / by Mari Crocitto posted in News, Hot Grants

Marine mammals are important indicator species of ocean health. When they show signs of illness, they may be signaling changes in the marine environment that will be important to human health and the overall health of our ocean ecosystems. Monitoring the health of marine mammals, especially during a UME, can reveal emerging threats, potential impacts of human activities, and the effectiveness of management actions.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries (1)   

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USDA Forest Service Offering Over $250 Million to Help Combat Wildfires

Aug 24, 2023 12:05:54 PM / by Mari Crocitto posted in News, Hot Grants

The number of wildfires occurring in the United States over recent years has led to great destruction of land and properties, and risked the lives of people located in susceptible areas. According to the Congressional Research Service, there was an average of 61,410 wildfires and 7.2 million acres of land burned across the United States from 2013 to 2022. (1)

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The Power of Networking: Your Key to Success in Federal Contracting

Aug 14, 2023 10:59:16 AM / by USFCR posted in News

The Importance of Networking in Federal Contracting

The federal government is the largest buyer in the world, spending billions on goods and services. In this vast marketplace, networking is not just beneficial; it's essential. Building relationships with government officials and other contractors can give businesses a significant advantage in the fierce contract competition. It's more than just a strategy; it's a pathway to success in federal contracting.

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ByteDance Apps and American Contractors: Balancing Freedom and Security

Aug 4, 2023 2:09:24 PM / by USFCR posted in News


In the land of the free, the recent ban on TikTok, a social media app owned by Chinese company ByteDance, has sparked a heated debate among American contractors. The ban, implemented by the U.S. government, extends to all devices used in the performance of a federal contract, including contractor employee-owned devices under a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. But the question remains: Is this a necessary measure for national security, or is it an infringement on our cherished American freedoms?

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USDA Investing Over $1 Billion in Farmers & Rural Small Businesses Across the US.

Jul 27, 2023 9:29:42 AM / by Cameron Blevins posted in News, Hot Grants

Rural areas across the country are facing issues of aging and declining infrastructure, buildings, and equipment that have widespread consequences for both the economy and the environment. For many farmers and small business owners, energy-inefficient equipment and infrastructure can drastically raise the cost of doing business, placing a further burden on these firms to be financially successful. 

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USDA Accepts Applications for $500M High Blend Fuel Infrastructure Investment

Jul 26, 2023 1:54:11 PM / by Cameron Blevins posted in News, Hot Grants

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has begun accepting new applications for their Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP), designed to expand and “significantly increase” the availability of alternative fuels. This program is a part of the overall national initiative to both solidify America’s energy independence and increase the supply of renewable energy sourced from US agricultural products. 

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NEH to Award $6 Million in Grants To Support Humanities Organizations With Climate Smart Initiatives

Jul 26, 2023 8:15:00 AM / by Mari Crocitto posted in News, Hot Grants

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is accepting applications for their Climate Smart Humanities Organizations program, distributing a total of $6,000,000 of funds to humanities organizations needing to improve conservation practices of materials while also being ecologically-efficient. Humanities organizations interested in this opportunity shall contemplate strategies to their daily operations that help reduce their carbon footprint as a result of climate change.

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The Future is Now: Federal Contracting in Rising Sectors

Jul 17, 2023 11:32:25 AM / by USFCR posted in News

The Federal Government is the world's largest buyer of goods and services. With federal spending rising in several sectors in 2023, it's the perfect time to explore federal contracting.

In 2022, the total obligations of the federal government reached $6.8 trillion. The Department of Defense led the way with $3.1 trillion, followed by the Department of Health and Human Services at $1.3 trillion, and the Department of Veterans Affairs at $1.1 trillion. The industries that saw the most obligations were professional, scientific, and technical services ($1.2 trillion), construction ($900 billion), and manufacturing ($800 billion).

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Managing America's Legacy: GSA and Federal Real Estate

Jul 3, 2023 10:10:41 AM / by USFCR posted in General Services Administration (GSA), News

Who upholds America's iconic federal buildings, such as the White House and FBI Headquarters? The GSA is responsible for overseeing 9,600 federal buildings, totaling over 370 million square feet, making them the trusted stewards of some of America's most iconic structures.

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