USDA Accepts Applications for $500M High Blend Fuel Infrastructure Investment

Jul 26, 2023 1:54:11 PM / by Cameron Blevins

USDA 500M High Blend Fuel Infrastructure Investmentsetaside

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has begun accepting new applications for their Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP), designed to expand and “significantly increase” the availability of alternative fuels. This program is a part of the overall national initiative to both solidify America’s energy independence and increase the supply of renewable energy sourced from US agricultural products. 

Biofuels and ethanol-based fuel sources can be found across the United States in transportation fueling facilities, such as gas stations and fleet facilities, and fuel distribution facilities, including terminal operations and depots. With over 900 awards being distributed in this round of funding, the USDA is hoping to cast a wide net across the United States to impact fueling infrastructure at every level of the transportation market. 

As part of the application requirements, technical and economic assessments are deemed critical to demonstrating a successful project. USFCR’s Grant Writing Team, having supported dozens of potential USDA applicants, has the experience and expertise to support applicants in completing the technical requirements of this USDA Funding Opportunity. The USDA announced on June 26th, 2023, that it had granted over $25 Million in funding for 59 projects under this program, with this second round of funding expanding on top of that previous sum.  

Potential applicants considering expanding their biofuel and ethanol-based infrastructure should consider USFCR when planning their application. With a range of services, including Consulting, Writing, as well as Application Review & Submission, we are able to tailor services to your specific needs. We understand the challenges that come with federal grant applications and are excited to bring in new applicants who are driven to grow their businesses and our nation’s industry, one small business at a time. 

The Grant Writing Team is now accepting potential applicants for the Higher Blends Infrastructure Investment Program through August 31st, 2024.

Funding Opportunity Number: RBCS-2023-2024-01-HBIIP

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If you have questions regarding your organization's unique program feel free to contact us at (877) 252-2700 or email

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Tags: News, Hot Grants

Cameron Blevins

Written by Cameron Blevins

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